Matt Jacobson

Chicago, Illinois, United States

Northwestern Medicine

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Loyola University Chicago, Master of Divinity (MDiv), 2002 – 2010

Saint Louis University, Saint Louis University, Bachelor of Arts (BA), Theological Studies, 1994 – 1999


About His Career:

Mr. Jacobson is on staff at Northwestern Memorial Hospital as a Chaplain for Palliative Care. As a member of the multi-disciplinary team for palliative care, he coordinates and provides inpatient and outpatient pastoral care for patients and families who are on the Palliative Care service.

He provides a compassionate and listening presence for those searching for meaning or comfort in their situations of suffering or end of life. He also facilitates regular remembrance ceremonies and memorials for those who have died on the Palliative Care Team's service, as a way for staff to also grieve the loss of their patients.

In collaboration with chaplains at Lurie Children's Hospital and the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, he implemented an annual, two-week spirituality intensive for Palliative Care Fellows, introducing: spiritual assessments; research; theological reflection; cultural and religious diversity; and the role of pastoral care in healthcare context, specifically at the end-of-life.

Mr. Jacobson is an invited speaker for hospital wide rounds, assisting clinicians that are seeking to reflect upon difficult patient situations. He also collaborates with clinical unit managers to facilitate reflective conversations and debriefings surrounding grief, moral distress and compassion fatigue with staff.